about reiki


Reiki is a healing technique that uses life force energy to heal. A Reiki practitioner/healer is a conduit, channeling healing energy through themselves into the recipient. It is healing for the receiver regardless of the issue at hand, be it mind, body, spiritual or emotional. A Reiki healer is only a channel for this healing energy. A person's highest good is always the end result. Varying degrees of healing, relief and restored balance will occur and are guaranteed during and after a Reiki session. Reiki can be done in person or from a distance. I am a Reiki II Practitioner and thus can heal from any distance.

For acute situations such as flus, colds, headaches (migraines), sprained ankle, etc. one session is usually all that is needed. Serious, more chronic situations generally require more than one session.

proven benefits

√ Relieves Pain

√ Accelerates the healing process (including post op)

√ Stops bleeding 

√ Relaxes the receiver


√ Lowers blood pressure

√ Respiration slows during a Reiki session

√ Emotional calming occurs

√ Assists with life style changes

* Any additional benefits cannot be predicted

Reiki is transmitted through electricity. A few examples of the strong attributes of electricity in nature and its importance are: lightening, sea creatures such as electric eels, and the earth’s iron core which is the earth’s magnetic field. This is key— without the magnetic field, there would be no life on earth.

Our bodies are another example of electricity in nature. Every move our muscles make directly results from an electrical signal from our brain. All of our nerves use electricity to control everything we do. According to Dr. Joel Kahn, our hearts emit an electrical field 60 times greater in amplitude than the activity in the brain and an electromagnetic field 5,000 times stronger than the brain.

"We're beginning now to understand things that we know in our hearts are true but we could never measure.  As we get better at understanding how little we know about the body, we begin to realize that the next big frontier in medicine is energy medicine". - Mehmet Oz, M.D.

As Reiki continues gaining momentum, many studies are being completed that provide scientific data. Knowledge is power and I urge you to do your research, however, for your convenience, I’ve included two articles.

Reiki Really Works: A Groundbreaking Scientific Study and Center for Reiki Research

your practitioner

Name: Hannah Stibolt

Reiki Practioner: Level II

Favorite Place to Relax: Near the Ocean

Archetype: Hummingbird

Hummingbirds are ruled by their hearts and their voice. Their heart is light, flutters constantly and is joyful. They have the courage required to embark on any epic journey.

Gifts: I am a deep listener who possesses the intuitive ability to empathize while remaining honest, positive and encouraging. My calming and compassionate nature effortlessly draws in children, young adults, and provides the ability to connect with people instantly. I am passionate about helping people identify changes needed to enjoy a healthier life, and I find myself consistently drawn to caretaker roles.



Personal Experience and Story: My life took a turn in 2015 while living in Northern California. My mom resided in Illinois, where I grew up; the kindest woman I’ve ever known, she was my best friend, and we spoke daily— she was my sounding board and consistently provided wisdom for both my relationships and raising my children.


Shortly after Christmas in 2014, she called me complaining of severe pain in her back— I was deeply concerned. The following month, January 2015, I noticed a decrease in our communication; she wouldn't answer the phone, and when she did, she wasn't herself. I had a strong feeling that she was very ill. By the end of the month, now having almost zero contact with her, my intuition went into overdrive— I knew deep inside that something was seriously wrong.

I sold my car on Craigslist to afford a plane ticket to fly home. My aunt Kate went to do a wellness check as I was en route, she immediately saw the shape her sister-in-law was in and had to carry her into the hospital. I will never forget the shock I felt when I saw my Mom in that hospital bed. Not only had she lost a significant amount of weight, but she had bruises all over her arms, even more alarming, was that she was incoherent, and in tremendous pain—more than I'd ever witnessed anyone experience.

The doctors informed me that she had cancer and it rapidly spread everywhere in her body— there was nothing the medical community could do for her— she was dying. At only 64, she was fighting for her life, and tragically, lost her battle just four days later. During her last day in the Oncology ward, a woman approached me in the hallway outside of her room. She asked me if she could help my mom by doing something called Reiki; I was sleep-deprived and distraught, so I did not fully comprehend what she was saying to me. My mom was a devout Christian, and so I explained that my Mom wanted prayer with her children (my siblings were on their way, flying in from out of town). I thanked the gal, but politely declined her offer.

In my mom’s last moments, I held one hand over her head, and another over her heart, placing my forehead against hers. I started breathing with her, as I did when my sons were babies when they were crying or trying to sleep. She was struggling as her lungs filled with fluid, but as I began this process and took charge, slowly breathing, she relaxed and our breathing synced. I kept whispering “shhh, shhh, it's ok.” When she took her last breath, I had chills, and I felt a powerful rush over me—I knew I had to explore what I had just experienced.

I returned home to my boys, started researching, and took my first Reiki class, shortly after, I took my second class— I loved it! I began practicing on my sons, whether it was a migraine or sports injury, I found with focused energy I was able to heal their ailments. The Lord works in mysterious ways, and I believe this entire experience brought me back to Spirituality. I was raised in a faith-believing household, but through a variety of different life experiences, I shunned it for years. I believe there is a Higher Power, and I believe in God again. Whatever that Higher Power means to you, whether it's Goddess, Power of Nature, or the Native American “The Great Creator”... I can attest there is a higher power.

While my mom's death was devastating to me, the loss of a mentor, best friend, and loyal advocate, was also a pivotal moment for me, and it led me to discover Reiki.

I hope to use my gift to help others.

why wilo

Willow trees have a sweeping history traversing throughout different religions, cultures, and periods. Traditionally known for their great stature, beautiful leaves and enchanting grace-- not only do they delight the senses, but evoke a sense of wonder and imagination. Throughout history, they have been known to provide refuge, comfort, and medicinal value. Since Ancient Greece, the bark was utilized to heal ailments; willow bark contains salicin, which once consumed and oxidized becomes salicylic acid, producing the same properties as aspirin. Most inspiring is the remarkable toughness, size, and tenacity of the roots--sprouting from aerial parts of the plant this tree is determined to grow strong and live. Throughout my practice, I have come to understand the necessity of determination to change-- we are resilient and stronger than we realize. My goal is to help you identify necessary changes, provide support and strength, and equip you with the tools needed to achieve a healthier, more balanced, you.


“As a healer, my heart space is more involved in the healing I do than my mind.”

— Hannah Stibolt