

Hannah is a gifted healer and intuitive guide with a deep commitment to helping families. She performed distance healing for my son who was struggling with stress and becoming distant and withdrawn. After just a few sessions from Hannah, I feel like I have my son back! He is laughing, less stressed and enjoying his new position on the high school soccer team. Hannah also did some work on me and the balancing of my power. I know without a doubt her sessions supported my son and I individually and brought our relationship back into harmony and joy. 

With Hannah’s support, I have my son taking Juice plus gummies. The much needed nutrition has shifted his moods and given him more energy and focus.

Cyndie Silbert, Founder of Feminine Mastery


Hannah is a deeply and genuinely caring, compassionate, intuitive, and well-researched people-care professional.  Her selfless empathy for people and their well-being, combined with her passion for finding out and sharing what makes people truly healthy has led to her to help many people for many years before beginning to do this as a vocation.  Over the years, Hannah has used Reiki to help my wife, children, father, and father-in-law through diverse illnesses and health crises.  She has helped me achieve better health and performance in my endurance training pursuits through Juice Plus and nutrition counseling. I have known Hannah’s patience, persistence, creativity, and tenacity to be of indispensable help and comfort to patients, family, and friends alike as an end-of-life care giver.  Additionally, I have seen her knowledge of the medical insurance and healthcare systems help multiple people get the most out of those resources to find help and healing.  Hannah’s life-experience, knowledge, character, and skill-set make her an extremely effective health-care giver and it’s my pleasure give her my highest possible endorsement!

Amos Stibolt, Navy Captain & Triathlete


I have had eczema for years, I'm 26 years old. I break out on my scalp and face especially. I'm so self conscious of my face. It flares up all around my mouth, and chin. I can't put makeup over it, and nothing topical has ever taken it away. I was willing to try anything to get it to go away. At the first application of Hannah's tincture I had immediate relief from the itchiness and dryness. And, the majority of redness was gone the very next day! I kept using it and in the next couple days all traces of that rash was gone. I still can't believe it! I love this stuff!

K. Howell


My name is Madeline and I felt it important to acknowledge all of the service Hannah has provided for me in regards to my health both mental and physical.  I have been privileged to work with many healers literally all over the world. Africa, South America, India...the list goes on. Hannah...has proven to be the most effective individual I’ve ever worked with. I have dealt with a multitude of health issues, involving and limited to, thyroid, hormonal issues, depression and anxiety. I was apprehensive at first when she suggested Juice Plus+, but out of desperation I tried it and I am so happy and grateful I did. Juice Plus in conjunction with her Reiki healing have really helped me turn my health around.

Hannah is truly blessed with the gift of healing. I am so grateful to have her in my life and to be able to extend her services to family members in need. If it were’t for her help, I don’t know where I would be at this point. I strongly encourage anyone and everyone especially during these these dire time when our health is most important, to have a consultation with this wonderful medicine woman. 

Madeline Menefee, Artist View Madeline’s Gallery Here.


Although I do not know about Reiki, I do know Hannah and can attest to her innate kind and gentle spirit. She has a deep sensitivity to those around her and is trustworthy. Her personal integrity, hard work ethic, and commitment to excellence make her an invaluable and desirable caretaker.

Aunt Kate

I really love Hannah’s tincture. I had a very itchy, scaly rash on my face that would come and go for no apparent reason. Hannah made me her special tincture and it both helped with the redness of the rash and improved the itching. The tincture smells really nice and makes my skin feel hydrated and soft. The rash hasn’t come back in a few weeks but I continue to use the tincture because it makes my skin feel so good. I love knowing that everything I’m putting on my face made from high quality ingredients and natural.

Hannah was kind enough to volunteer her time to provide distance Reiki sessions for a very good friend of mine that has brain cancer. Hannah was able to learn a lot about my friend and his energy in her sessions. Although the sessions weren’t for me, I felt like my friend definitely benefited from his sessions and Hannah was so nice to help. It’s really amazing what she is able to feel and I’m so glad she helped!

Thank you Hannah!

Heather Stinger


I had a dime sized cyst on the lower part of my left cheek. It came out of the blue. I went to see my doctor and they put me on the schedule to have it removed. I was supposed to see them again in a little over a week. In the meantime my one of our friends came by to see us. Seeing my face, she offered me her tincture to try on the cyst. I figured it couldn't hurt. I was surprised that daily use of the tincture caused the cyst to recede further and further. When I went in to the doctor for my appointment to have it removed, they cancelled the procedure as the cyst was so small it was difficult for them to even see it.



Hannah = healing! I’ve struggled with migraines for years. One day I had a really bad one. I had run out of my migraine medicine and was talking with Hannah on the phone. She ask if I wanted Reiki for it. Hannah told me to go lay down and she’d work on me. 2 hours later  later I woke up migraine free! My whole body was relaxed, like a calm breeze had washed over me and I was able to continue my day.

Patricia Kent


I have had severe arthritis in my right elbow from years of carpentry work. When it flares up I am in a lot of pain and cannot extend my arm past a certain point. No kind of medication or topicals have ever helped this issue at all. My doctors say there is nothing that can be done for it. One night Hannah offered to do Reiki on it. I said sure, nothing else is working, I'll give it a try. She placed her hands around my elbow and I felt a lot of heat. More than in normal. The next morning I woke up amazed! Not only was I completely free of the pain but I could fully extend my arm. On another more recent occasion I began to panic. I was without an inhaler and felt I could not breath. Again, Hannah immediately placed her hands over my heart for minutes. I was able to catch my breath again and did not even need an inhaler. 

C. Wood


Hannah Stibolt exudes warmth,  kindness and love.  So it makes so much sense that she became a Reiki healer.  I was at my final day of yoga teacher training preparing for my final test.  My phone started blowing up.  A friend, who is so well loved, had collapsed during a dance fitness class at the studio where Hannah worked and I was a member.   He was rushed to the hospital,  He had a cardiac arrest.  I wasn’t there but heard that it was very traumatic for everyone there.  Hannah immediately began Reiki healing while waiting fo the ambulance. Over the weeks of healing, Hannah continued her Reiki healing both in person and from a distance.  The other members continued to pray for our friend.  This story has a happy ending. Our friend came back from this tragic event and is back dancing with all of us once again. 

Jane Savignano