Insight on Smudge Kits


We all go through different seasons, where it is imperative to change course or conduct a ritual to help us reset. Whether it is beginning a new path or releasing something in your past to make room for something new-- depending on your ultimate objective will determine your kit.

To remove negativity and bacteria, I recommend the Sage smudge kit; alternatively, if you're looking to promote health and energy, Juniper is the recommended path. Wands are made with feathers and wood, or deer antlers; also included is an Abalone shell and a white candle. Each item is specifically designed to utilize water, earth, wind, and fire.

Step one: Set an intention. I understand this can be an overwhelming process for people. I am more than happy to help you to assess and define your intent.

Step two: Clear the decided space by lighting your smudge stick and moving through the air in a clockwise motion. Please note: Have one window or door open for fresh air and to let the negative energy out. Use the Abalone shell to catch any lit embers. Use wand (if you wish) to spread the aroma toward floors, ceilings, and corners.

Step three: Write your intention for your the said space on a piece of paper.

Step four: Set the candle in the most central location in the space you are working in. With your intention in mind, light the candle, and safely let it burn.

Smudge Kit - includes an Abalone shell (water), a smudge stick (earth), wand (wind) and candle (fire). Each kit consists of a free consultation and complete instructions.

Smudge kit and service is $350. This is a gift that keeps on giving. I promise you will use it more than once.


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