Compelling Reasons for Eating Colorful Foods


Each one of us has seven energy centers throughout our bodies. They are commonly referred to as Chakras. Each Chakra rules particular glands and hormones in our systems that we all need to stay balanced internally. Throughout the ages, each Chakra has been correlated with a particular color. There is a reason for this and I will get to that later in this piece.

Let's start at the top.

Your first Chakra is called the Crown Chakra. The color associated with this is Violet. This area rules and houses and supports your Pituitary gland.

Our second Chakra is smack dab between our eyes. It is named the "Third Eye "Chakra. The color of the third eye Chakra is Purple and this area rules the Pineal gland.

Our next Chakra resides in our throat. The color associated is with the throat Chakra is blue. Our throat Chakra rules our Thyroid, (to clarify, this can be any and many shades of blue)

Dropping down from our throat Chakra is our Heart Chakra. Our fourth Chakra. The color associated with the heart space is green. The heart Chakra rules our Thymus gland. Another interesting fact about the number four is that it is the number associated with Angels.

From there we move down to our Solar Plexus Chakra (the stomach). This Chakra is called the Solar Plexus. The color associated with our Solar Plexus Chakra is yellow. It rules our pancreas, liver, and gall bladder.

Next, approximately three finger widths below our belly button is where the Sacral Chakra resides. The color associated with the Sacral Chakra is orange. This is the area our ovaries or Testes are located. For women, this is also where our creativity originates from.

And last, but certainly not least, is the seventh Chakra. The Root Chakra. Red is it's color and here lies our Adrenal glands.

What is not only interesting, but important to note is this: each fruit and vegetable we choose to eat supports the health of all our energy centers. For instance, greens support and strengthen the heart. Anything yellow (bananas, yellow squash, yellow tomatoes, oranges, even potatoes, soothe the stomach). The importance of knowing this is we can better our overall health with our choices of fruits and vegetables we consume. Because if we are neglecting certain colored fruits and vegetables, our organs aren’t running smoothly or at their optimal performance. As time goes by our overall health does begin to suffer. Disease begins to set in. I personally never learned this at home, at school, or in any doctors office. It’s powerful information for us to have. Food is truly medicine.


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