Gratitude Journaling


This is an effective and potent practice. Have a piece of paper, pen or pencil. If you would like to make it an even more beautiful daily practice, go ahead and splurge on yourself! Purchase a beautiful journal. I am very aware that in this current reality we all live in, it is difficult at times to feel grateful. However; bear with me, we do have things to be grateful for. I remember reading a true story years ago. After years as a prisoner in a Nazi camp a gentleman who survived explained this. There were no trees to look at, not a blade of grass, not a flower to be seen....but he could hear the squawk and song of birds on occasion. That one small thing. That is what he remained grateful for. This particular practice is Gratitude Journaling. To begin, start each morning or at the end of each night by writing down at least five things that you are grateful for. It could be that the sun rose. It could be that you had a memorable, loving experience with a friend or family member. It could be that you have a meal to eat. As you progress with this you will realize that easily begin to feel that there are many, many things have to be grateful for. Ultimately the goal of this practice is that it will uplift your mood. It will put your energy in a higher vibration.


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