Tips For Easing Anxiety

  1. Sit or lie down somewhere comfortable where you won't be disturbed.

  2. Let your eyes gently close as you place your hands comfortably over your heart.

  3. Go ahead and take a few deep breaths (in through your nose and out through the mouth). Notice how you are completely supported by whatever you are lying on. The heart is associated with the color green. Our higher heart, the color magenta. Placing your hands on your heart space actually releases a hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, a pea sized structure at the base of the brain. When we hug someone or are held by another human being, our bodies trigger that oxytocin to release into our system. This is one of the reasons hugs and human touch feel so good.

  4. Your breathing is now relaxed, shallow. Now let all your thoughts, feelings, to do lists, the past and the future drift away as you focus only on your breath. Feel the coolness as you inhale through your nose and the warmth as you exhale through your nose.

  5. Feeling more peaceful now let's take this practice a step further. Whenever you feel ready, go ahead and slide whichever hand feels right to you down just below your navel. Your other hand will remain over your heart. This area below your navel is known as the Sacral Chakra. For women this chakra is associated with the color orange and is ruled by water. Energetically this is our womb space. It's home to one of our second most powerful assets (the Heart is number one). Our passions, creativity, joy, pleasure, intimacy and very importantly our connectedness to others all emanate from here.

  6. Lastly, feel your breath travel softly down through your heart and into your sacral chakra, your womb space, your feminine center. As you inhale you'll feel this area rise and fill. Breath into the power that's there. And as you exhale, let go of anything that feels congested or stuck or compressed there. Press as much out as you are ready to with that out breath. Like anything else, this takes practice. But the benefits are immediate even if only subtly at first. Your heart feeling freer, let it fill back up with pure love, compassion, empathy, kindness, patience, tolerance and light. All those gems that were always there to begin with. They will always be there whenever you choose to be still enough. It always feel like home when we can come back into our hearts.

Enjoy a lighter mood and less anxiety when you are complete.


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